
Chaer Dairy Received Two Subsidies from Government


Recently, the Chaer Dairy under the Group received two subsidies from government, including subsidies for coal-to-gas conversion of boilers, and supportive subsidies from local government.

1. 2.1 million yuan government subsidy for boiler conversion
For the purpose of environmental protection, Chaer Dairy actively responds to the government's call to transform coal boilers into natural gas boilers. It has received a total of 2.1 million yuan of government subsidy for two 15-ton boilers conversion in the plant.

2. 200,000 yuan local government subsidy
Chaer Dairy actively responds to the government's call, practices national policies, and continuously strengthens communication and cooperation with local governments. Recently, it has received a subsidy of 200,000 yuan from the local government for reconstruction of probiotic production facilities. Although the amount is small, it is of great significance.